
Contemplative Care Educator Training

We are pleased to present a training program for Contemplative Care Educators

This training is designed to meet the growing demand for NYZC’s clinically-based education and to ensure that this transformative experience is available for generations to come. Trainees will receive extensive mentoring and support as they develop their teaching skills, deepen their Zen practice and realize their vision to become part of NYZC’s educational leadership.

1 training
In-Person and Online
2, four day residential retreats, 1 optional
July 27, 2024
June 29, 2025

AbouT the Program

The process of training as a Contemplative Care Educator encompasses teaching contemplative practice and its integration into care.

Held as an act of generosity and equanimity, contemplative practice allows the educator to share that which has benefited their life, and in doing so, deepens their understanding of the dharma, inspiring an integrated life of compassion and wisdom. This calling, held with virtue, integrity and compassion, is a sacred trust.

There are two phases of training. In the first three years participants serve as Contemplative Care Mentors and in the following two years, they may begin to practice as a Contemplative Care Educator.

Individuals cannot apply to be a Contemplative Care Mentor or Educator. NYZC’s teachers will recommend candidates, identifying those whom they believe have a steady Zen practice and the needed maturity and a temperament for teaching Contemplative Care.

Contemplative Care Mentor

A Contemplative Care Mentor is an active Formal Zen Student of the NYZC Guiding Teachers community who practices meditation with the sangha on a weekly basis, sits most half-day monthly retreats, has participated in the Foundations in Contemplative Care Training and CPE and is engaged with care at the bedside. They attend NYZC’s fall Contemplative Care Retreat and the January Winter Sesshin. They meet for supervision twice a month with their teacher, assist in teaching Foundations and mentor Foundations students.

Contemplative Care Educator

A Contemplative Care Educator is a active Formal Zen Student of the NYZC community, who has completed at least three years as a Mentor, expresses their commitment through participation in weekly community meditation practice, sits most half-day monthly retreats, and teaches the clinical aspects of contemplative care. They attend NYZC’s fall Contemplative Care Retreat and the January Winter Sesshin, work closely with the Guiding Teachers and have bi-monthly supervisions.

additional Information

Requirements for Consideration

  • Masters Degree, or working towards one, in a related field to include education, social work, divinity, etc.
  • Completion of Certificate in Contemplative Care (which can be completed during the training period)
  • Foundations in Contemplative Care, Catch Your Mind, Precepts Study and Ways of Zen are required
  • Practicing with the NYZC community at least twice weekly on Monday and/or Wednesday evenings or Sunday morning
  • Participation annually in at least two NYZC retreats
  • Co-facilitating Foundations in Contemplative Care with Zen teachers and mentoring students
  • Four Units of Clinical Pastoral Education (or so actively engaged in completing)
  • Daily meditation practice
  • Engaged Formal Zen Student of one of the NYZC Guiding Teachers
  • Weekly psychotherapy while in Mentoring Training
  • Highly Recommended:
  • Board Certification as a Chaplain (or eligible) or ACPE Supervisory Student preferred (or working towards)
  • Weekly psychotherapy

Benefits for Mentors

  • First Year: One course a year taught by NYZC Guiding Teachers
  • Second Year: Two courses a year taught by NYZC Guiding Teachers
  • Third Year: Three courses a year taught by NYZC Guiding Teachers

Benefits for Educators

Contemplative Care Educators will receive an honorarium or salary (depending)