Yoshin Peloquin came to NYZC inspired by the Contemplative Care component in the first Urban Zen Integrative Therapy (UZIT) program. She has worked as a professional dancer, choreographer, teacher, director, and curator, reflecting her life-long involvement in embodiment and somatic practice. She received a BPH from Thomas Jefferson College, is a 500 RYT, and UZIT, a Level II Reiki practitioner, a Bessie award winner, taught at the Dean Ornish Heart Disease reversal program and trained as a SEED leader. She facilitates white caucus groups at (WPC) White Privilege conference from 2014 to present. She is an Formal Zen Student of Sensei Koshin Paley Ellison. Since completing the Foundations for Contemplative Care Program in 2016, she has studied Clinical Pastoral Education and completed 3 ½ units of CPE at NYZC, while providing contemplative chaplain care at The Brooklyn Hospital Center, Isabella Geriatric Home and as a mentor for the Foundations program since 2019. She teaches dance, yoga, mindfulness, and Life-skills from 1996-present at (LREI) Little Red School House, and currently lives in Brooklyn with her husband and family. Yoshin has dedicated her life to service, whether at the bedside or in the classroom.