The whole of the spiritual life is good spiritual friends. —Siddhartha Gautama
Dear Beloved Community,
May this find you and your loved ones well. In this time of transition in the world, we are writing to you, our beloved community, to update you on the reflective changes we are making to ensure the mission of the Zen Center will be available for generations to come.
When we began the Zen Center in 2007, we were clear that we wanted to create a new vision of an American Zen center. We modeled our Zen Center experience after the neighborhood temples we visited in Japan— places of learning, of care, and of love. Now, with the expansion of our offerings to include online platforms, we can serve our global neighborhood as well.
We have grown from just the two of us and our Board of Trustees, to so many of us being stakeholders in transforming the culture of contemplative care through direct care, education, and a grounding in Zen practice. The depth of our offerings equals the depth of our sangha’s Zen practice which is the core of what makes the New York Zen Center what it is.
In the past thirteen years, we have done amazing things together: developed a loving sangha, educated thousands of people in the arts of contemplative care, created a robust Master’s program and accredited chaplaincy training, cared for more than 100,000 people at the bedside, completed our first research project proving the efficacy of our work, published two celebrated books, and with all of these efforts, pioneered and been stewards of the field of contemplative care.
Since COVID, we have reflected on and understood even more deeply how critical the mission and service of the Zen Center is. Now, more than ever, our care, education, and Zen practice are part of the medicine for the world. Together we are building a community of love and nourishment— infused with respect and dignity for all beings.
In a short time, with great effort and determination, we nimbly pivoted to ensure our current offerings translated into a warm, tender, and rich offering online. To this end, we have worked with an amazing production team to create more than 55 videos for our online programs. We could not have succeeded without our stakeholders’ generous support and through the leadership of our new Director of Studies, David Iozzi and our new Online Program Manager, Mahyar Hassid. We are equally delighted that we also expanded our core teaching team to include Zenju Earthlyn Manuel and Joanna Hardy. At the same time, our Board committed to supporting 10 BIPOC scholarships. We are very pleased that we exceeded that goal and fully funded 13 scholarships.
We are also delighted that our longtime sangha members and chaplains have stepped up and into staff positions. Doshin Ende is now the Director of Contemplative Care & Community Outreach, and Eishin Schapiro has become our first Bereavement Chaplain.
Now, we are turning toward the next steps in making sure our education, Zen practice, and care opportunities are available in an array of offerings coming in 2021, including our Fellowship in Contemplative Care for clinicians.
In the Jewish tradition, the thirteenth year is the year when the person becomes an adult. Likewise, it is time for the Zen Center’s operations and Board of Trustees to move to the next level to ensure the continuance of our mission. Since the spring, we have been working with a wonderful organizational consultant, Thomas Bruner, who is supporting the evolution of the organization. Our strategy and intention is one of participatory management in order to ensure that the team are all feeling supported with respect and dignity.
To lead this effort, we are delighted to welcome Kipling Beardsley, our new Interim Director and Lola Davis, our new Director of Operations. They both come with depth, warmth, and competency to lead the Zen Center’s operations and functioning.
Since the beginning, our roles as Guiding Teachers have been blended with being deeply involved with the day to day running of the Zen Center. Beginning January 1, we will be shifting out of administrative functions to solely assume our roles as Guiding Teachers and deepen our nourishing of the sangha and Zen training, teaching, and staying connected to all the stewards of the mission. We will continue to be stewards on the Board and continue as the spiritual leaders of the Zen Center.
We are excited how the Zen Center is embodying the medicine for these times.
We are honored to walk shoulder to shoulder with you.
In the dharma,
Koshin Paley Ellison & Chodo Campbell, Guiding Teachers
Gerry McConnell, Chair of the Board of Trustees